Marshall Bypass, Madison County, NC 2016
A Day Like Today
To go outside on a day like today is to know insignificance.
It has to do with the wind, its domination of the landscape.
Coming down the mountain above my studio,
a steady blow with long gusts and a stinging drizzle.
Trees, big trees, swaying back and forth, back and forth.
It will change to snow tonight, the color of the sky tells it.
It’s a cleansing wind.
Finishing off the work of winter,
the hard freezes and leafless limbs.
Out with the old and stale.
New dead limbs in the woods and on the road.
Best carry the chainsaw in the truck for a couple of days.
With only a vague promise of bright and fresh.
Peaks of blue in a sky washing gray.
A flush of daffodil blooms last week
brought spring to people’s hearts and minds.
Today they’re beat back.
Limp and broken in the cold and wind.