Stone Glyph by Iktome, aka, Irvin Via, on the right-of-way for I-26, Sprinkle Creek, 1998.
Josh and I were fortunate to have a wonderful right-up by Johnny Casey in the Asheville Citizen-Times and the Marshall News Record and Sentinel about our upcoming exhibit at Mars Hill University, titled PLACE: REFLECTIONS BY COPUS AND AMBERG.
In the story Johnny refers to us as Icons, which seems far too important to me. I much prefer Dellie’s introduction of me to a friend as,”This here’s Rob, he make’s ‘em pictures.” However, I do think that Josh and I, because of our personalities, interest and love of the community, and willingness to put our work out in the world, are among the most visible representatives of the significant changes happening in Madison County. As I say in the article, we are, in fact, agents of change.
I think a lot about the changes that have come to the county in my forty-nine years here and the role I and other newcomers play in that evolution. What I’ve come to understand is that many people have come to Madison County over the last few centuries — Native Americans, European settlers, refugees from the Civil War, refugees from the cities, and now, hundreds of young people and retirees seeking slow, quiet, and a close connection to the land. Everyone, whether they’ve stayed and built a life, or simply passed through on their way to someplace else, has left their footprint on this PLACE. Who am I to judge if one footprint is more significant than another?
I’m reminded of a quote by one of my favorite authors, Octavia Butler, in her novel, The Parable of the Talents.
“All that you touch
You change.
All that you change
Changes you.
The only lasting truth
Is Change.
Is Change.”
We are, in essence, all agents of change.
Josh Copus
Weizenblatt Gallery, Mars Hill University
September 21 to October 14, M-F 10-4
Opening Reception: September 28. 6-8 pm